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Network Marketing Start Up: 5 Fundamental Concepts you must understand before you start marketing anything!


(..and you already have it all!)

From my zen palace,
Leonardo Saraceni, Outer Banks, NC


Fellow entrepreneur,

Most people start a home business without a clear idea of what to do, when to do what, and most importantly, how to do it.

And what's the solution? Google™! Whenever our backs are against the wall, Google™ is always there to come up with an answer and find a solution. Except when there are WAY TOO MANY solutions, all promising instant relief, with "bonuses if you join now"!

Ever heard of information overload?

The phenomena that sucks marketers into hours of purposeless browsing, examining every guru's page, offer, and looking for the "secret to becoming a millionaire" has taken too many victims already.

The Information Diet

Together, we're going to put an end to it. We'll start an Information Diet, and dramatically reduce our "guru" intake!

Like any diet, it all starts with Mindset!

Your will power will prevent you from digressing and checking the latest offer, or even listening to the free podcast; you are now focused on your company, your business, and your priceless time can not be wasted.

Follow this simple exercise even before you open your email:

1) Will this produce me income - at any point?

2) Is this educating me?

3) How is this valuable to me and my business?

These questions will determine how successful your online experience will be, and exactly how fast.

Naturally, there will be two or three professionals that will resonate with you, and from whom you take plenty of valuable information. Consider them your Suggested Daily Intake - basic nutrients that feed your business.

Now, I want to feed you, so you wont go hungry:

The first thing to know when (or if) you're starting out:

You're NOT the company - You're the Expert

This is the first major concept to understand, and the part where most beginners get stuck.

The fact that LifePath Unlimited is a great company and attracts lots of attention can be tempting to include in a campaign, after all, those are good things right?

Yeah, but not necessarily for your business. Let's say you advertise Lpu, and you get a lot of people excited about the amazing personal development courses, the community, and the compensation plan.

Now, they're hooked on the company, and they couldn't care less about you: you're just delivering the news.

So advertise yourself: your skills, your knowledge, your time, your attention, your dedication. Become indispensable, an essential part to a successful LifePath experience.

Not Every Prospect is An Opportunity

Most prospects won't be ready the moment you decide to call them; they might not even be ready when they call you.

Acknowledge the fact that they're going through the same research process you endured, and that they might not have reached the decision point yet. (some will never reach it)

That's why developing a meaningful relationship is so important. As you build credibility, and become a resource in the eyes of your prospects, they will look for you when they're ready.

However, there's one thing to watch out for:

Don't Get Attached To Your Prospects

Do not call them back incessantly, do not add their numbers to your cell phone, and most certainly, do not try to be friends.

Imagine yourself in the receiving end of the call: how many calls would you need to make a decision? How many times did you talk to your sponsor?

Lay down a rule: one intro call, and one follow-up (if requested so) is enough to determine compatibility, motivation and leadership. If it's there, go ahed and invest your time. If not, don't bother.

Even though you're on an Information Diet, your business experiences constant, permanent abundance. The moment you get caught up with the occasional rejection, you lose track of the big picture and your entire operation sinks.

Which leads us to an important characteristic of an abundance mindset:

Exercise Your Leadership

Even if you were buried under an over-controlling boss for 20 years, the entrepreneur within you is still awake; get rid of the paycheck mentality and start thinking results, accomplishments, goal-getting!

When you're driven, motivated, and have a clear focus on your head, people start identifying you as a leader; that is the key to succeeding. Your leadership will set the pace for your business.

Also, as you recognize the gigantic power within you, and how valuable you are to your prospects, they will recognize it too. Soon, you're magnetic - and you attract customers constantly.

Here's a video presentation that sums up this lesson:


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My Immediate Goal Is...
We Absolutely Hate Spam. We'll Never Sell or Trade Your Data


To Nutritional Information and Powerful Mindsets,


Leo Saraceni

Leo Saraceni


P.S - To jump over the competition, have access to the full, no punches held course, plus all the one-on-one training you'll ever need to succeed online, get the full training:


P.S2 - My ultimate personal guarantee - if for ANY REASON you're not 100% happy with the information you're receiving in your Expand Your Income Potential training, I'll donate 15min of my precious time to personally answer all your questions, and assist you in what you need to do for your business. No selling, No pitching, No promoting: you take the lead and I'll teach you exactly what you need to know.

Direct all feedback to leosaraceni[at]yourincomepotential.com or just contact my home office at 252-202-6190

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